A level 2 electrician is different from a normal electrician. They do more technical electrical work and hold more qualifications too. In Australia, to work on or near Integral Energy’s and Energy Australia’s network they must be a level 2 electrician. Duties include handling metering equipment, live wires and connecting and disconnecting power from the electricity network.
A level 2 electrician is different from a regular electrician as they hold extra qualifications as issued by the government, which qualifies them to work with the electricity distribution network.
You would need a level 2 electrician if you are planning to:
No matter how large or small the job, finding a level 2 electrician has never been easier. Everything is covered from upgrading your existing electricity supply to major electrical work. You can be assured that there are no delays or needs for a second visit, as Melbourne level 2 electricians exceed that of a regular electrician Melbourne.
Level 2 electricians are authorised to work on or near Ausgrids and Endeavour Energy’s network.
Relocation and repairs of point of attachment (Cat 1)
Overhead cabling replacement, installation and upgrades (Cat 3)
Timber and Steel Pole installation and replacement (Cat 1 & Cat 3)
Underground cabling replacement, installation and upgrades (Cat 2)
Underground to overhead cabling replacement, installation and upgrades (Cat 2 & Cat 3)
Metering replacement, installation and upgrades (Cat 1 & Cat 4)
Storm Damage Repairs
Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy Defect Rectification